Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Eye Candy in Tuscany

Tuscany, it you believe the advertising, is the land of sunflowers. Apparently it must be so, since I've sent many postcards home, covered in lemon-yellow flowers. But maybe it's time I actually proved that those postcards reflect reality.

I actually took this picture. The sunflowers are bigger than my head, like the burritos at that Mexican place across the street from OSU.

There's a little valley between two of the dig houses, with a tiny dell at the bottom cut by a clear creek. I have to walk through the shaded hollow every day to get to dinner. The fields are planted with sunflowers and its been really extraordinary to watch them morph from green stubble to brilliant eye candy.

Reasons why Etruscan excavations rule? This is the view from my bedroom window.

...and the final proof that I speak the truth. This is me and some sunflowers on my way to yet another astonishing Italian dinner. Woo!

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